Planning a SmartBilling Installation

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Planning a SmartBilling Installation

Make a list of all the products and services that you offer. The list needs to include the following items:

  • Products
    A Product is a tangible item that can be sold. It can be given away, sold for a one-time charge or sold on a recurring basis (rental fee). A Product is something that is able to be tracked in Inventory. Examples would include modems, cellular telephones, TV Set-Top Boxes, a Telephone Number, etc.
  • Services
    A Service is usually an intangible item that can be sold. It can be given away, sold for a one-time charge or sold on a recurring basis (rental fee). A Service cannot be tracked in Inventory. Examples would include Internet Access, a Cellular phone subscription, etc.
  • Usage Charges
  • Associated Charges
  • Product/Service Categories
  • Offerings and Bundles
  • Contract Types
  • Subscriptions

... next steps
