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A subscription is an unique identifier number defined by the company or by SmartBilling that represents a (time) recurrent service which the company attaches a usage rate, charges or mix of charges under a plan, and that is contracted by a customer.

SmartBilling provides all possible features needed in the subscription economy. You can see in the screenshot below that you can configure the subscription fields to help controlling better your business. The supplier field will allow you to reconcile in the future revenues vs costs at subscription level, for that data is captured in the process. You can add, delete and copy subscriptions, and you can manage the subscription or your customer service team can modify or add new services to a subscription.

Edit Add Subscription Copy v5.png

Subscriptions are revenue generator identifiers that can only be associated with a single service. If multiple services are provided, each service will be tied to a single subscription. A subscription can contain several charges and/or sub charges.

A Subscription need not comprise only the Service provided. It can include additional Products and Miscellaneous Charges that are provided in conjunction with the Service. Products and Miscellaneous Charges include a Primary Price/Cost, but can also be associated with multiple sub-charges which can apply in particular situations.

Edit Add Product v5.png

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