Adding Products & Charges
From Smartbilling
Revision as of 13:36, 29 November 2016 by Alan (Talk | contribs) (Renamed "Misc. Charge" to "Charge")
Home FAQ page SmartBilling 5.0
Adding Products & Charges
Companies sell products or services to customers.
In the subscription economy, services are attached to subscriptions, while products are usually items that are charged as a one-time (sale) or recurring (lease/rental) cost to the customer. They can be part of a Service Package, or they can be sold to the customer individually, as in the example below.
In order to add a product to a customer, the product needs to be created in the Catalog previously. The same prerequisite applies to Adding Charges. Those need to be created as part of the Catalog, and then added at Customer > Charge level. See below for illustration purposes.