Navigation boxes
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Actions Box (a)
Here user can Edit a customer and perform various actions on to the customer account like: Adding Order, Ticket, Document, Contact and Notes. In this screen user can add subscription, charge, product and payment details to the customer. We can also define tax exemptions on the customer based on the tax jurisdiction
View Box (b)
The links in this box allow users to view lists of Orders and Tickets linked to the customer. Users can also view, add and edit customer service address, service contracts, portal user accounts, subaccounts (if the customer is a parent account), budgets and schedules to present for each customer.
Inventory box(c)
The links in this box allow users to view lists of all subscriptions, product and charges attached to the customer
Accounting Box(d)
The links in this box allow users to view the different accounting transactions for the customer. Users can view lists of invoices, credit notes, manual and pre-authorized payments; they can also view the payment schedules and disputes that have been raised and/or negotiated with the customer.