Home FAQ page SmartBilling 5.0
Services (1) are used to group Products (2), Charges (3) and Usage rates (4) into a Service Offering. In the example below, a purchased Router (Product) is available as part of the service offering with optional Sub-Charges for Configuration and Delivery and for Annual Maintenance; the Router can also be rented (with the Maintenance fee included) along with the optional Configuration and Delivery fee as a Sub-Charge.
The Service in the example below also includes a Charge for Internet Service and a Usage Rate for Bandwidth Overages.
Once a new Service has been created, various mandatory and/or optional Products and Charges can be associated to the service, as deemed appropriate, by clicking on the 'Add Product' and 'Add Charge' links.
You may also add Rates (as a rule, you should add all possible Rates for each Usage Type that can be associated with this Service) by clicking on the 'Add Rate' link.
Finally, you may associate one or more Contract Types with the Service, again, by clicking on the 'Add Contract Type' link.