Send Bulk E-mails

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Sample procedure to create an e-mail template and send it to customers with overdue balances

Step 1: Create Email Template with a Template Type of ‘Customer’

  • Go to <Configuration – System – Email Templates>
  • Edit an existing template or create a new one ([+ New ])
  • If you are creating a New template, enter a brief description so you can reference the e-mail (e.g. "Overdue balance, 1st notice")
  • Select Template Type = Customer
  • Click the [Save] button
  • Click on one or more of the 'Language' tabs and enter the desired e-mail Subject text and Body text and click [Save] again.

Step 2: Prepare an import list of clients to send

  • For this particular case (Overdue invoices):
    • Produce an aging report – Filters for clients over 30 days – extract customer account numbers from the .csv export file
    • If desired, repeat the above step for clients over 60 days, again for over 90 days, and finally for over 120 days & combine the results. (Note that you might want to send a different e-mail template for clients that have older outstanding balances)

Step 3: Prepare an Import file in .csv format

    *no header row*
    Column A:  Customer #
    Column B:  1 to send to the general email
    Column C:  1 to send to the invoicing email
    Column D:  1 to send to the e-mail addresses for each contact


The following row value will send an e-mail to the Customer e-mail address on file for Customer ‘C0001’: “C0001”,1,,
The following row value will send an e-mail to the Invoicing e-mail address on file for Customer ‘C0002’: “C0002”,,1,
The following row value will send an e-mail to the e-mail address on file for each Contact associated with Customer ‘C0003’: “C0003”,,,1

Step 3: Generate an Email Run

  • Go to <Accounts – Customer>. On the Overview tab, click the [More] button & select ‘Send a Document’
    • Select the appropriate Email template (i.e. the one you created with the ‘Customer’ Template Type)
    • Browse to upload the .csv file you prepared
    • Click the [Send] button.