SmartBilling Documentation Home Page
From Smartbilling
Revision as of 12:37, 14 June 2016 by Alan (Talk | contribs) (added link to SmartBilling 5.0 home page)
Welcome to the SmartBilling Documentation home-page.
SmartBilling is a full-featured billing, CRM, Opportunity Management and Accounts Receivable platform designed for all types of usage and subscription billing.
Let's get you started with one of the following topics:
SmartBilling 5.0 pages
Planning a SmartBilling Installation
Configuration and Setup
Creating your Categories, Products, Services, Contracts and Charge Items.
Creating a new Customer
Creating a new Agent
Creating a new Supplier
If you have a specific question, please consult our FAQ page or simply enter your query in the search box at the top-right-hand corner of the window.
You comments and suggestions are most welcome. Please contact us if you would like to become a contributor to this documentation site.