Charges-Add Sub Charge

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Sub-Charges cannot be recorded in inventory. Sub-Charges can only be associated with Products and Charges.

Procedure to follow when creating Sub-Charges:

• On the Add or Edit screens for a specific 'Product' or 'Charge' , click on the 'Add Sub-Charge' link.
• Fill out the General Section of the Sub-Charge information page (Name, Description, Category),
• Populate the Commissionable check-box if Sales Commissions can be earned on the sales of the Sub-Charge,
• Populate the Resale check-box if you intend to track purchases of items relating to this Sub-Charge from a Supplier.
• Fill out the Sub-Charge information section
• Populate the Sub-Charge information (Name, Type, Currency)
• Populate the Taxable/Non-Taxable information.
• Populate the G/L Accounting Code with the respective G/L Account
• Populate the Price & Cost information (amount, flat fee or per-unit price)
• If you wish to display or hide zero-price items on the invoice, check or un-check the 'Display Zero' check box.
• Fill out the 'Billing Identifiers' section.
• Click the [Save] button

Charges 1.3.2.png

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