Home FAQ page SmartBilling 5.0
The system is flexible to create the % (commission) to be calculated on the basis number that the company has agreed to pay a commission to a representative. Same flexibility applies here.
The system could generate a payment order or instruction to the back office system
Sales Representative definition
Sales Representatives are defined in SmartBilling with standard name & address fields. In addition, a hierarchy of up to 5 levels of Sales Agents can be defined (Great-Great-Great-Grandfather & 4 generations below him).
A Sales Agent record also needs to specify the Currency in which the commission is paid, the number of days past the Invoice Due (or Paid) date before Commission is deemed to be earned, the Commission payment period (monthly, quarterly, etc.) and the Commission Payment Cycle (day-of-the-month) on which commission statements are generated.
Finally, each Representative must be assigned a Commission Plan.