A few clarifications about subscriptions and Effective-From/To Dates
From Smartbilling
A few clarifications about subscriptions and Effective-From/To Dates
- Once posted, a subscription cannot be deleted (unless our developers manually update your database, and support fees will apply)
- If the Effective_From date is earlier that the start date of the current billing cycle, the system will pro-rate charges for the prior billing period back to the Effective_From date.
- When an Effective_To date is entered and billing has already occurred for the period beyond the Effective_To date, the system will pro-rate a credit on the next Invoice cycle Run for the over-billed charges back to the day after the Effective_From date or the start of the billing cycle period, whichever is later.
- When a subscription is entered with the same Effective_From and Effective_To dates, the system will still create a charge for at least one day.
- If you enter a new subscription and generate an invoice, the system will bill ahead one month’s recurring charges (assuming that the recurring charge period is monthly); if you post this invoice, and then enter an Effective_To date for the same day as the Effective_From, then on the next invoice run, an invoice will be generated with a credit per point #3 above.
- So if you do post an invoice and then realize that a subscription was billed in error, the recommended procedure is to enter the billing cycle period end date as the Effective_To date of the subscription and issue a manual credit for the charges in error. That way, the invoice will be credited and no new charges will be generated for that subscription on the next billing cycle.