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A product is a logical or physical entity, which can be inventoried and sold to an end customer by the operators. This could be a mobile phone, router, modem or a tracking device. etc. A product can have its monthly rental, which we call periodic charges also. A product can be usage generating product or non-usage generating product.

New products can be created from the Actions box (1) on the screen below and assigned to a category.

The Search Box (2) allows users to view products by category, or globally.

The Import box (3) provides links to import Products and Product-Subcharges into the catalog.

The Configuration box (4) provides links to configure custom fields for both the Catalog-Product and Subscription-Product objects

Product 1.png

Product 2.png

Once a new Product has been created, users may associate various mandatory and/or optional Sub-Charges to the Product, as they deem appropriate, by clicking on the 'Add Sub-Charge' link.

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